नात्युच्छ शिखरॊ मेरुः नातिनीचम् रसातलं ।
व्यवसायाद्वितीयं नाप्यपारॊ महादधिः ॥
ನಾತ್ಯುಚ್ಛ ಶಿಖರೋ ಮೇರುಃ ನಾತಿನೀಚಂ ರಸಾತಲಂ
ವ್ಯವಸಾಯಾದ್ವಿತೀಯಂ ನಾಪ್ಯಪಾರೋ ಮಹಾದಧಿಃ
For the person who does hard work, (or may be best worker ?) mount Meru is not very high. For him the abyss is not very deep. He can even cross the Oceans. The idea here is anything is possible if a person does hard work.
good one . helped in my projects